Commitment to the environment
At Rigel Kentaurus we are conscious of our housings and providing not only a “space for enjoy the life”, but also a nice environment which contributes improving the quality of life.
Achieving this environment is one of our priority objectives of the company, starting with the selection of plots, to its ending with green areas design, selecting autochthonous plants that adapt easier with minimal maintenance.
The location and orientation of housings is carefully studied, in order to gain the most the possible sun illumination, integration in the environment and easy access to the different roads of communications.
The aesthetic of each housing separately, as well as a whole promotion, is projected and designed with the main propose to enjoy life for the person who is living, and the inhabitants of the surrounding areas.
Another important aspect to consider is the special care of treatment of remains and rubbles, and using techniques and homologate materials which complying with the current law of Environmental Protection and Energetic Efficiency.